Support Clean and Fair Elections Petition

Support Clean and Fair Elections

Dirty voter rolls are an open invitation to voter fraud, as they make it easier for individuals to falsely cast votes using someone else’s name, while also making it easier for individuals to cast multiple votes in the same election. The Department of Justice refuses to do its duty under the National Voter Registration Act […]

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Tell Lawmakers: Hold Joe Biden Accountable!

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Tell Congress: Get Inflation Under Control!

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Demand Congress Secure Border Petition

Demand Congress Secure Our Border

BUILD THE WALL! Right now, our borders are being used as gateways for drug cartels, terrorists, and violent criminals – every day adding to the astounding 12 to 20 million illegal aliens already in this country. That’s why Judicial Watch fights illegal immigration in the courts. Please help us fight back. How is this illegal […]

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Demand Secure Minerals for our Military Petition

Protect our Troops: Demand Secure Minerals for our Military

Right now, our borders are being used as gateways for drug cartels, terrorists, and violent criminals – every day adding to the astounding 12 to 20 million illegal aliens already in this country.

Tell Congress: Hands off the Second Amendment!

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Demand Answers on Clinton Corruption

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Secure our Supply Chains from Foreign Adversaries

America is at risk. For years, we have allowed mining to be pushed overseas and now we are paying the consequences. We are dependent on minerals from foreign countries, including our adversaries China and Russia, to produce the goods our lives depend on.

Securities and Exchange Commission: Enforce Clear Rules to End Market Manipulation

When the GameStop stock controversy made headlines last year, a surreptitious practice came to light: market manipulation—and it’s not about trading. A cottage industry of very wealthy billionaires regularly and without any repercussions swoop in, artificially drive markets up or down, make a profit on it, and leave others holding the bag.

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